Add Records in 'random" database


Hello :)

Today on Xano we only have the choice to "Add a Record" on a fix database in a API. By "fix" I mean that it is not possible to say: If the data is "abc", check the associated member and add the record in it's database. To do that we have to put an "Add Records" for each database targeted which is not practical at all.

Today I have a product that works but it would work much better if I had the possibility of having a database for each of my members instead of having to load a large amount of information and then sort it. The experience would be much better for my users.

Do you know if there is a solution do to that ? I know that it's possible do taget Database via ID in Airtable. Anything similar in Xano ?

Thanks 🙂

Best Answers

  • Lefteris -
    Lefteris - Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Shirley,

    Have you tried using the Direct Database Query? I think you should be able to implement what you need with that. More details here.

  • Shirley
    Shirley Member
    Answer ✓

    Hello. thanks for your answser. I contacted the support and they told me that it's not possible yet on Xano. But i didn't know about the Direct Database Query and i already found how it can solve some others problems that i have.

    Thanks again :)