Problem with receiving all records


Hello, I am having trouble building a messaging system right now. I have a user input that, when entered, returns a record that includes both the user and the message recipient. I want to create a solution when I am signed in, I want to see the username of the other person, but if they log in, I want them to see my username. I am using an if statement that would check the first id within the array, and if they are the same, it returns the other user's information from the array. Unfortunately, it returns one of the records instead of all. How can I receive all the records? I will provide images of my stack and results

This user has two different chats with two different users but it only shows one.

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Looking at the debugger would let you introspect - look inside what the function stack is thinking about each step along the way. That would probably make clearer what is happening and help you align the processes with your intended outputs. I think a little patient examination would surface where the stack is going sideways.

    Complicated data manipulation is an area where Xano shines by providing good tools with intuitive logic. But that doesn't stop it from being complicated! Give yourself permission to take your time. This is also the kind of "hardest 5%" problem we work on every day in our State Change office hours and loom-enabled forums.
