Update password enpoint : no validation happens.


I recreated Update password endpoint from scratch, and I remember I used to have validation for password string. Now I don't have it, but in table for password field there are some requirements.

This is my new password update endopint. I have success when saving empty password.

And this is DB:


  • Lefteris - blupry.com

    Hi @Anna Sho,

    I tried creating a user for the default user table, giving it as input for a password just "123", and I was allowed to do so.

    Maybe it is bugged and by running it on Run & Debug it is mistakenly considered as an admin action so it is pushed through?

    Try to get in contact with a Xano employee using the Chat inside the app, I am sure they are going to take care of this.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Anna Sho!

    I'm trying to replicate the issue. However, the endpoint I created seemed to validate the updated password correctly. Check out this video that walks through the steps that I took. Let me know if this is helpful, and please reach out if you're still experiencing the issues on your end.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Lefteris - Buynocodeapps Thanks for chiming in! The reason you were able to update the password in the user table to just "123" is that filters are only enforced via the API.

  • Anna Sho
    Anna Sho Member

    @Liz Anaya thanks ! I ve checked video, everything is developed exactly the same.

    However today I have checked again and it works, validation works! I think that might be some glitch or cache occurs yesterday in Xano.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Anna Sho Happy to hear that it works! 🎉 If this happens again, please reach out to us!