Why is Xano allowing REQUIRED column to be empty?


The more I use Xano, the more I get surprised about how it DOES NOT help me ensuring our data integrity.

Not only does the so-called "Required" and "Filters" options do NOT apply when manipulating data outside of the API Endpoint, now I discover that it can even ignore the "Required" option for relationships, leading me to create records that aren't linked to any relationship, because the value of `0` was provided by default.
I had to set a Filter "min" value of `1` to avoid that edge case, not intuitive at all!


On the other hand, and funnily enough, some Object field Pattern checks are running (and failing) while the property isn't required nor provided, that sounds like a bug. No check should have been made in that case.

So… Xano is not ensuring the data when I want it, but annoying me by checking data that it shouldn't. Those aren't good default behavior, are completely unexpected, and aren't helping us ensuring our data integrity.


  • Ambroise
    Ambroise Member

    Well, my "workaround" with the "min" value of 1 doesn't actually work at all, it just breaks everything.

    It seems somehow the relationship field cannot have "min" filter running on it, although it is available as a filter. Yet another bug?


    I'm back to step #1, I don't know how to ensure data integrity.

  • TrevSpires
    TrevSpires Member

    This is great - I was wondering the same thing.