Help with HMAC security filter


I'm using Xano to accept two webhook calls that require the request body to be encoded using HMAC with a secure key and SHA256 digest mode, then match that to a signature in the header to verify the request. My set up in both endpoints is this (different key, otherwise identical):

This works fine for one of the webhooks, but not on the other one. I've verified that I'm using the correct key (shared secret), but I can't match the signature. Does anyone with more experience have any ideas what might be going wrong?

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think you're accepting the webhook data as JSON and letting Xano parse it for you into an object, then trying to re-encode as JSON and testing that string. This can cause issues because the original string may not be the twice-translated one. Newlines, spaces and even variable order can change.

    If I'm right, you're in good company: this has happened before to others! To address this, in your "get all data" call, choose "text" or raw for the format. Test the signature against that raw text.

    Then in a separate call, create another variable that parses that JSON, and you can use the data as you will.

    Dealing with encryption and signatures is definitely part of the "hardest 5%" that we focus on at State Change in our office hours, 1,000+ recordings and loom-enabled forums.
