Xano --> Webflow -vs- Xano --> Wized --> Webflow

Malek Member
edited August 2023 in Webflow

I know we can do both. But I am simply trying to understand when and why I would use either. Can someone please enlighten me: When to use Xano to webflow directly Vs When to use Xano to wized to webflow.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Wized is a code generation layer on top of Webflow that lets you manage more complicated data-interactive applications. Without Wized, Webflow is at its strongest with relatively static web sites. But one can add code on top to give you more interactivity as well.

    In terms of how it fits in the competitive landscape, Wized lets you have the high design control of Webflow and something closer to the interactivity of a Weweb application.

    We have a number of Wized builders at State Change, as well as some that are building directly in Webflow. Both are valid paths depending on how much and what kind of technical responsibilities you want to take on.

  • Malek
    Malek Member

    Thank you Ray.. I really appreciate all this valuable information. I fully agree that it both are valid paths for web app dev, but tbh, I am trying to understand when I should consider a direct xano-webflow vs using wized as an intermediate. I also understand that Wized creates the js codes needed to create the bridge.
    which makes me think that its the main benefit of using wized; i.e., no-code create js code!