Concat substitutes &para in a string with a paragraph sign


Hi Xano team,

if I use concat to build a string that includes &para like a URL "", &para is substituted with a paragraph sign, see screenshots below.

This is not just a frontend/presentation glitch in xano, but the string output that I return in an endpoint contains the paragraph sign. This is obviously a problem as I cannot construct a URL with these parameters.

Thanks Timo


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator


    edited August 2023

    Hi @timofischer! 👋

    Can you share a screenshot or Loom video of what you are seeing as your output? I did a quick test on this, and the response from the API endpoint doesn't show the paragraph symbol. Here is what it looks like on my end:

  • timofischer

    Hi @Liz Anaya, thanks for looking into this. What I did is send the string variable to Sendgrid. Also there I then had the paragraph symbol. Having said this, I cannot replicate it anymore. Now I also see the correct URL in sendgrid.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @timofischer Glad to hear that this is working now! If you encounter further issues, please let us know. 😊