Glide vs Appgyver

cDNA Member


My app will be heavily charts-based and I've heard good things about Glide. That said, when I first started learning about Xano there were extensive mentions of Appgyver, which gave me confidence in the integration.

Has anyone used Glide for a B2C app? If so, was there any complication using Xano and Bigquery?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Lefteris -

    Hey @cDNA ,

    While I can't directly answer your question, I'll give you my point of view since you haven't got any responses yet.

    The way Xano works allows you to use it anywhere, so you shouldn't really give a lot of a value on the integration. The integration is just to make beginners' life easier pretty much.

    You should value things like what each of them offer, alongside pricing plans etc. way more for me.

    Hope that helps!