Support for Xano Editor on Tablet Devices (Samsung Tab)


Hi, due to a failure of my regular desktop PC used for development, I have been trying to continue my work using the tablet (Samsung Tab S9). However, I am having extreme difficulty, even using a mouse & keyboard (attached via Bluetooth) due to the heavy dependency of "hover" in the Xano editor. For example, the necessity to hover over a workflow item to then be able to insert a new item below.

This has effectively halted my development, as I cannot find any practical way to "emulate" a hover action due to the touch screen, nor any way to "trick" the browser into handling hover events due to the nature of a touchscreen being available (despite the mouse being used). Yes, this is probably an issue Android more generally needs to address (same problem exists in Samsung Dex), but ultimately - the Xano GUI should offer core functionality with selected objects too, without depending on Hover.

I am finding that some interfaces allow for hover functionality to work sometimes, but it seems more like a bug in the behaviour, as it is inconsistent and requires clicking in the right place at exactly the right time.


  • tessus
    tessus Member

    Surely you can find alternative browsers or browser setup that works for your edge case?

  • aemondis
    aemondis Member

    I don't believe it is truly an edge case as such, since I found the same behaviour in Edge and Chrome (it seems to be a Chromium-specific issue) - the latter of which being the "preferred" browser for the Xano editor, as a banner likes to remind on every login. I found Firefox works perfectly in my case after lots of trial and error with numerous settings and different browsers, but I find it quite odd that there would be poor support by Xano in the editor for an accessible interface that doesn't require hover for core functionality. Modern responsive design practices suggest no core functionality should never be dependent on interfaces such as "hover", due to possible use by disabled individuals or touch-enabled devices. Indeed, I discovered in my troubleshooting that enabling accessibility features (required for password managers) in fact breaks hover support in Chromium browsers, on Android at least. Firefox just works without an issue, so far at least.

    So I guess this issue is resolved for me

  • aemondis
    aemondis Member

    Some further feedback for anyone who does happen to read this - I've all but given up developing "on the run" and now do most my work late at night (founder hours!) because of the interface issues. Here's a couple of screenshots of why Xano editor is unusable on a device that should be able to use it (both in Dex mode, and normal tablet mode) - notably, key interface elements are made inaccessible due to the way Xano interface does not allow resizing and places buttons in locations that cannot be accessed.

    As can be seen below, the save and cancel buttons cannot be accessed, making Xano editor unusable. Sometimes it will work properly and the button is visible, but it seems random. I have tried desktop mode also and forcing zoom, same behaviour persists.

    In Firefox below:

    In MS Edge (also the same in Chrome, as both use chromium engine):