Is this possible to build this with Xano? generate Unique URLs


This site lets you create a poll with a unique URL where users can go in and fill it out. Can we build something like this with Xano where we create something like a poll and in the unique URL users can vote, see stats of the current poll and add new questions in the unique URLs? I don't want users to have to signup. Let me know if this is possible and where I should look to make this happen. thank you!



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes. You can use dynamic pathing for this job pretty straightforwardly. Make a GET endpoint like "pollurl/{poll_id}". Then set an input called poll_id. Xano will pull this value from the pathname, like so:

    "" will give you a poll_id of "1234-5dff-dfs".

    I use this feature for ScriptTag, a low-code editor that's part of the suite of tools offered as part of membership in the State Change community.

  • Steven
    Steven Member

    very nice! thanks I will start to play with this.

  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭

    To build anything you need a frontend and a backend. Xano is a backend tool, but you need a front end tool too. Probably what you want to do is possible using a form tool like Typeform, and connect it to Xano if you want, or you can build your own "typeform alike" app with any no-code forntend tool. Watch this video.

  • Steven
    Steven Member

    hey thanks I will be using wized with xano. So just a main idea of how to build it in xano.

  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    @Ray Deck it'd be great to be able to see some of the available tools you have on the statechange site, I've noticed you mention a few cool things! And seen a few others in your YouTube videos :)

  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭

    To build anything you need a frontend and a backend. Xano is a backend tool, but you need a front end tool too. Probably what you want to do is possible using a form tool like Typeform, and connect it to Xano if you want. Watch this video.