Filter an addon

geraldoNeto Unconfirmed, Member
edited September 2023 in ? Transforming data

I'd like to filter a result with lambda from an Addon. ex: the user has many cars. when I call this user, I have an addon that brigs all his cars. Can I filter this Addon to bring me only the red cars for exemple? I know that's easier to call all red cars with the user ID = x. But I have a situation where I have some records that is comom for all users but if a user needs an especific record he can create his on record.


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    I don't think that you need lamda for that (but of course it can be done using lambda)

    I would suggest looking at the array functions. For example using find all elements you can pick your cars list from addon by using dot notation ( or get filter and then in array function apply the required filters.