Important (and exciting 😆) updates to our plans and pricing

Liz Anaya
Liz Anaya Member, Administrator


Hello Xano Community! 👋

You all are creating amazing things with Xano, performing more complex actions, and asking to do more with your Xano instance. So to better meet your needs, we’re announcing a massive set of improvements to Xano, bringing significantly more power to our plans!

Summary below👇, but scroll down for more details.


  • Build - Now you can store up to 100k records FREE.
  • Launch - The new Launch plan is faster and more full-featured.
  • Scale - Direct DB access, and enterprise features as add-ons.
  • Enterprise - Deploy Xano on your own cloud, and On-Prem.

🙌 Our Build (FREE) Plan Is More Generous

  • Store up to a whopping 100,000 records for FREE.
  • More flexible rate limit:  
    • Removed 500 requests per day cap.

🏎 We’ve Supercharged ALL Our Paid Plans With Up To A 40% Performance Increase

  • All paid plans should see a considerable increase in performance.

🚀 Introducing A More Powerful Launch Plan

  • Branching & Merging and Data Sources now included
    Get all the power of branching and merging with test environments.
  • Cloud Storage Functions come standard
    Now you can interact directly with Cloud Storage providers such as Google Cloud from your function stack on the new Launch plan!
  • Background Tasks received a 2x boost in performance, and you can now access more for less
    We've improved the performance of background tasks, and instead of paying individually when you hit plan limits, you can upgrade to unlimited for just $29/mo.
  • Existing Free & Launch users can upgrade to this improved plan with a huge discount for a limited time
    As a thank you for being a Xano pioneer, upgrade to the new, full-featured Launch plan by September 30th with a 20% discount.

Limited time offer: 20% off the new Launch Plan for 12 months, bringing the cost from $99/mo to $79/mo or $85/mo to $68/mo if paid annually. Terms and Conditions apply.

Loving what you are getting out of the Legacy Launch Plan? Don't worry! Current Launch subscribers have the option to remain on their current plan with no new features and no price increase.

🧑‍🚀 The Scale Plan Now Supports Even More Volume And Enterprise Capabilities

  • Popular Enterprise Features now available as upgrades to any Scale plan
    • Direct Database Connector
    • Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Xano Link (Lite)
    • Static IP
  • Improved Background Task performance
    2x background task performance
  • Improved Load Balancing Capacity
    To support more traffic

🏢 The Enterprise Plan Offers Features To Maintain Security And Compliance At Any Scale

  • Flexible Deployments (Your Cloud, On-prem, In Data Center)
  • High Availability Configurations
  • Sidecar and Connected Docker Containers
  • Compliance Center
  • Xano Link Pro (Sync Instances)

🌎 Regional Discounts (Coming Soon)

We believe that the power of creating scalable, world-class software should be accessible to everyone... stay tuned for more details.

👓 More Transparency And Education Around The Details Of Each Plan And When You Should Upgrade

We’ve listened to the feedback about our users wanting more guidance on when to upgrade and how to optimize their app for performance.

📺 How to choose the right plan


You can find a list of FAQs here. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

We're thrilled to bring you these enhancements and can't wait to see what you build with the new supercharged plans!


  • Stefan Pointecker

    May I ask how you achieved the 40% performance increase?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Are data-sources available on the new agency lite plan as well?

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Stefan Pointecker - Check out this article that highlights some tests regarding performance on the old Xano instances vs current. Let me know if this is helpful.

    @Pawel Magdanski - Yes! 😊

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    @Liz Anaya Great, additional question, how can I apply the 20% off? It doesn't seem to apply automatically when I want to change the plan from legacy to new one.

    Thank you for help!

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Pawel Magdanski,

    Sorry about that! The promo has been added to your account and should be good to go. Let us know if you have any further issues. 🙂

  • Geoffroy-CYD

    Are branching/merging available on the new agency lite plan as well?

  • Wes Wagner
    Wes Wagner Member

    I'm being prompted in the UI that our Agency plan is now a legacy plan, and we should upgrade. I haven't read anything about the change in plans.

    Could you please elaborate on the changes to agency plans?

  • Richard Chow

    @Liz Anaya It's great to hear that Xano is growing. I do believe that Xano will help a lot of solo developer like me to develop app faster.

    As I am from a small country 😣, and see that you guys are launching regional discount soon, may I have an idea roughly when will it be available. 😇

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Geoffroy-CYD Yes! Branching/merging are available on the new agency lite plan. 😁

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @Wes Wagner! The new Agency Lite plan includes the following features:

    • Branching & Merging and Data Sources now included:
      Get all the power of branching and merging with test environments.
    • Cloud Storage Functions come standard:
      You can now interact directly with Cloud Storage providers such as Google Cloud from your function stack.
    • Background Tasks received a 2x boost in performance:
      We've improved the performance of background tasks.

    But if you like what you are getting out of the legacy plan, you don't have to upgrade. 😊

  • Wes Wagner
    Wes Wagner Member

    Thank you for confirming, @Liz Anaya

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Richard Chow

    We are exploring ways to automate regional discounts for greater efficiency. We'll be zeroing in on this next quarter. 😃

  • 5h8yn8
    5h8yn8 Member
    edited September 2023

    This isn't great pricing at all. It really discredits people who don't need the full range of first tier of services. I'm launching a website and only need image stamps removed and a custom domain. I shouldn't have to pay $1000 a year just to use those two features. Can you build in a solo-site builder option that's around @$200 a year, which is comparable to Airtable? In fact, Airtable offers both of those features for free— so you would still be getting more value at the $200 range.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @5h8yn8 We recognize that our initial offering might not work for everyone, and we're sorry to hear that's the case here. These changes were influenced by what a huge majority of our Launch users were asking for who were in a similar spot -- they didn't need Scale, they just needed some pieces of core functionality from Scale. 

    We feel that this added value, plus the overall nature of what Xano offers -- managed infrastructure and dev ops, so you can log in and build, still makes our Launch offering a great value, especially compared to Airtable, depending on what you need. Also, regardless if you are upgrading from our legacy Launch or free plan, you are eligible for the offer mentioned above if you upgrade by Sept. 30th.

    If Xano ends up not being the right tool for the job because of this, we definitely encourage you to use the platform that works best for you, and hopefully, we can match your needs more specifically in the future.

  • 5h8yn8
    5h8yn8 Member

    @Liz Anaya appreciate the quick response. To be clear, Xano is far superior to Airtable— apologies if that wasn’t conveyed properly 😬 I am planning on using Xano, but would appreciate a price point with 1 workspace that’s less $1000 a year.

    The features for free are definitely reasonable from a scaling perspective, but not reasonable if I want to launch an actual product because I can’t launch with the ugly watermark on a photo-forward site and it needs to be on a custom domain is all.

    in the meantime, I suppose I’ll try to find some clients to offset my cost 😀 and it will be a win win for everyone.

  • tomekw
    tomekw Member

    Do the 40% Performance Increase applies only to the new plans, or also to legacy plans?

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @tomekw! 👋

    The up to 40% Performance Increase applies to all paid plans (new and legacy). It is already in effect so if you are already on a paid plan, there is no action required on your end. 🙂

  • Ruairi Finsweet

    Enterprise Addons for Scale:
    Where can we see pricing for these addons?

    Smaller plan
    As an agency partner the pricing is working out fine for us and our clients.
    But I agree with @5h8yn8 that a cheaper, less powerful plan would be great.
    A middle-ground between Free (10 requests/20sec is extremely low) and Launch (pricey) would be useful. And good for Xano I think. No-code backends are relatively new and I think giving people a bit more room to test it out at a lower price point will, in the long run, see more adoption of Xano for backend work.

    Great work Xano team!

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @Ruairi Finsweet! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community! 🎉

    Enterprise Addons for Scale:

    You can find the pricing for these add-ons under the Billing in your Xano instance.

    Smaller plan

    The new launch plan was crafted based on what the majority of our Launch users were asking for. We don't have plans to introduce a paid plan that sits between our free and Launch option as we're concerned it could lead users to hit limitations more quickly than we'd like. That said, we're always listening and value your feedback as we continue to evolve. Thanks for being part of our community!

  • Ruairi Finsweet

    Thanks @Liz Anaya :)

    Another Q:
    Did 'Maintenance' (Vacuum) get changed from included in Agency Lite, to being Premium? I believe we had access to this before but it's marked as 'Premium' now and I don't see mention of this in the pricing changes.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Ruairi Finsweet 'Maintenance' is not a premium feature and is available on all plans. Please check again, and if it's still marked as 'Premium,' reach out to our support team by clicking 'Support' in the lower-left corner of your instance.