API error when using test data source

Anna Sho
Anna Sho Member
edited August 2023 in ? Working with APIs

I try to use Test data source (WeWeb front end) just adding header "X-Data-Source: test" i get 500 error "Invalid data source"

I cannot create test user and login with test user

Whet does it mean? Is it Weweb side or Xano side?


  • quentindty
    quentindty Member

    Hey @Anna Sho 👋

    Q from WeWeb here.

    Our Xano Plugin now handles data-sources and branches. Maybe try to use them in your plugin config?

    Btw this errors stems from Xano, which tells you that this data-source isn't existing. Did you create a data source called "test" in your backend? (beware of casing too).