How to filter or query records where a table reference no longer exists


I am just trying to clean up our data as we're about to go live to 100 external beta testers. I was just wondering if there is quick way to filter or query records where a table refrence no longer exists?

I have tried !=
= 0
= null

and have not had any success in the spreadsheet view of the table


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I am not sure what's available in the table editor, but you can search and manipulate from the function stack. I'd make a new function for running this bit of business. No input required. For your first statement, you can basically just query all records (presumably from users) pulling your IDs.

    Then you can look up in the other table "WHERE" the users_id is "NOT IN" That will get you a list of records whre the reference no longer exists.

    This not-query structure is slow. Not something you want to do every hour of every day. But like you say, we do these things in cleanup situations, and it will pull the records you are looking for. You can then iterate over them to delete, update, or whatever you need!