Non Break Space (NBSP)


I have a problem importing data from a file where sometimes have a non break space (NBSP or U+00A0 or   or chacode = 160 or \00A0 or   )

In the workflow, if i don't use anything related to lambda no problem happens, but the result of the API in postman are with the space.

Data in file: SEVE CD LS 20

Data out for Postman or in database: SEVE CDLS 20

CD LS have a nbsp splitting them and everytime this line comes to the lambda (anytipe of lambda, in filter, etc…) the follow error appear:

[$auth must be an object,$var must be an object,$env must be an object,$input must be an object,$global must be an object,code must be a string,timeout must be a number conforming to the specified constraints]

Even if I only a return $this, this error appear.

I tried to replace the nbsp for a normal space, but nothing happens.

Someone can support me on this point ? I need to import the data, split the lines, and transform the data with fixed lenghts to add to the database, but this nbsp don't allow me to use lambda, or even, replace this using a lambda with .replace(/\u00A0/g, ' ')

Even if I tried to replace DL for D L or D L for D L, he don't find this because the nbsp.
