Need Help with Xano Integration in Bubble - Query Parameter Issue


Hi everyone,

I hope you're doing well. I'm currently facing an issue with integrating Xano into Bubble and could use some assistance. I've set up a process to retrieve user names using Xano's "Names" API endpoint, and I've added a query parameter called "search_query" to facilitate custom record queries.

The strange thing is that when I test the endpoint directly in Xano by clicking the "Run" button, everything works perfectly. The query parameter is applied, and I get the expected filtered results. However, when I initiate the call from within Bubble using the correct endpoint and parameter, the API seems to ignore the "search_query" parameter, and it returns all names instead of the filtered ones.

I've double-checked the endpoint and the parameter in Bubble, and they are both correct. I'm not sure why the parameter isn't being taken into consideration when the call is made from Bubble. Could someone with experience in Xano and Bubble integrations please help me troubleshoot this issue? I'd greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions to resolve this problem.

Thank you so much for your time and assistance.

Best regards,



  • Lefteris -

    Hey @Hosamfoad,

    I highly doubt that this is about a bug or anything like that.

    My guess is that there is a mistake on your json body field on the bubble api connector.

    You should check this video.

    If this doesn't help you, please post a screenshot of your sample Run on Xano and one for the Bubble connector, and I'll be more than happy to assist you further.

  • Hosamfoad
    Hosamfoad Member

    Hi @Lefteris - Buynocodeapps thanks for the help , please check the screenshots :

    • Xano API ( works fine) every time i change the default value for the input " Team"
    • Bubble API endpoint : no matter what i change the value of the parameter key "Team " ,it returned the same result for the " Team " !

    Thank you

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    First question, when you are checking the call for this endpoint that comes from Bubble does it have the right input and still return wrong value or the input is not "Nice" in the first place? If the second is true then as silly as that might sounds, try to delete and recreate that endpoint in API connector.

  • Hosamfoad
    Hosamfoad Member

    Hi @Pawel Magdanski

    Thank you , i did that , i recreated the endpoint in the both sides (Xano, Bubble ), and it works fine now 😁 Thanks for the suggestion

    Kindly, I have a couple questions please :

    I currently possess nearly 10,000 records within the Xano database. I want to retrieve these outcomes from the Xano database. Does this contribute to reducing workload units (WU) on the Bubble platform's end? Furthermore, does it yield quicker results compared to the "search" feature within Bubble?

    Thanks again for the help

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    In most cases Xano is considerably faster than Bubble, regarding the WU, as I remember the size of the api response matter when it comes to calculating WU, so the bigger a repsonse the more WU used.