Xano Connector Plugin Workflow Result

Ondrejicka Member

I tried using Query as well as Action elements to perform API call in the workflow and they are working great. However, I need to somehow wait for the response of the Query/Action so I can perform additional logic in the workflow. How would I go about this?


  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭

    I seems to me that this question should be posted in the frontend community you are using. WeWeb, for instance, provides two variables "isFetching" and "isFetched" to know when the response has been received or not.

  • REN
    REN Member

    Hi Ondrejicka,

    I assume the "Xano Connector Plugin" here is the one developed by @Eli Beachy for Bubble.io

    In this case, as you know, it' s not possible to use the "Result of the prevoius step" (as you would do for any backend action in Bubble). However, you can use the event "Xano Action returns a response".

    So, you Trigger the Xano action in the first workflow.

    Then, you will have a separate workflow, which will automatically start "When Xano Action returns a response" and this second workflow will contain the subsequent logic/actions you need.

    Hope this helps 😉
