Safely copy image metadata from one table to another


Hey! I'm moving my image metadata from table Posts to table Images.

How do I safely make this change? I want to 1) loop through all posts 2) for each create a new record in the Images table, where Images.image === Post.image, then 3) refer to that newly created Image record via table reference.

I tried using the "Get File Resource Data From" function, but setting "value" as the file resource name didn't do the trick.

I tried a few other things, but ran into some errors.

Anyway - key question: How to safely copy over image metadata from one table to another, without file duplication?

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Jswan
    Jswan Member
    Answer ✓

    I take it all back! XD

    So easy. Literally just do exactly the steps in 1,2,3.

    until next time 🫡