Integers are saved as incorrect numbers


I'm trying to change an integer value, but am seeing the last two characters consistently overwritten to "00". Why?

Step by pictures:

In the long ID string above, I changed the last two numbers to 62, then pressed enter, but it's reverting back to "00". Extremely confusing, and actually just really alarming.

Just to test, I input 13123123123123123 to another integer cell to test, and it added +1 to the end, becoming 123123123123124.

Also - why??



  • Jswan
    Jswan Member
    edited August 2023

    I'll just make it a string field, but I don't see any documentation around max integer value. Looks like all integers are big ints, maxed at a number in the 19 digit length. Would be worth referring to that here:

    And maybe adding some special error handler for numbers that are too long, the value of which XANO automatically changes.

  • Jswan
    Jswan Member

    looks like all ints in XANO are bigints - maybe worth referring to that in Field Types:

    And including a special error handler for when an integer is too long. The current "just overwrite it with a different number, and mark as successfully saved' protocol is kinda scary.