Webflow API v2

Jeff Strang
Jeff Strang Member
edited August 2023 in Webflow

I'm assuming the Webflow Connect approval does not work with the new Webflow API v2 launched today? Tests are returning a 401 not-authorised response. Can any at Xano confirm?


  • Jeff Strang

    Update: I'm now getting 401 'Unauthorized: This token is invalid. Please reauthorize your user' responses from Webflow API v1.

    It's a new instance at my end so could be my error but still might be worth checking Webflow Connect isn't broken with the new updates. There have been comments in the community suggesting a problem with V1 API calls.

  • Jeff Strang
    Jeff Strang Member
    edited August 2023

    Another update:

    I've set up and run the new Webflow API v2 via the standard External API Request function. You get the bearer token from the Webflow Developer docs and copy the CURL command as normal. Works perfectly.

    One note worth mentioning is the Webflow endpoint has the word 'beta' as part of the path. This may be a problem down the track if the update the endpoints to remove the 'beta'