Google auth problems (also using WeWeb)


I am using the Google OAuth plugin to sign in/up with Xano, using WeWeb as my frontend.

The process is partially successful, but I am still experiencing some bugs. The process successfully creates a new user in my User database, with google oauth info. However, it is failing in the /oauth/google/continue endpoint.

Here is a picture of the error:

The message says:
message: Invalid to resolve dbtable: user

I believe this this happening at the Get Record from User step.
I tried disabling that step and recreating it with my user table, but it still produced the same error.

I have not deleted or created the user table since adding the Google plugin. The only thing that has changed is that I updated my account to the Launch level from the free instance.

What can I do to solve this issue?

Best Answer


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Hi, can you show you function stack and maybe run this in debug mode to check for sure where exatcly the error is happening? You can disable the continue workflow on your front end and just grab the code and use it in run&debug in Xano to see where something is going wrong.

  • Adam Che
    Adam Che Member

    Heres the function stack and the name of the User table I am using.

    Also, here is the output and the execution times for the function stack

    What is weird is that even though the output says it cant resolve the table, the user is still being created in the User table, along with valid google oauth data.

    It seems like the problem might be occuring in the Create Authentication Token step, based on its very short run time?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    I see,

    please check the reference in the create authentication token function, to which table it is refering to and if it is the one it should.