Xano Bubble | Error code 400 - Missing Parameters


I'm trying a logic where i send a "tag" and receive a "condition", where information from a QR Code is collected and i get the information about the status of something.
Worked before, but i messed the system and i can't recall how i made πŸ˜…
Now everytime i get the 400 error code from Bubble, but inside Xano work as intended (at least for now).
Tried changing the "tag" column from 'enum' to 'text' type too. but didn't worked.

The basic idea is write/get a code from "tag" column and receive the "status" in another field in the general interface.

Best Answer

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭
    Answer βœ“


    You have an input called TAGS in you Xano endpoint, but the only input you have in Bubble connector is padroes_tag. That is why Xano is telling you that the TAGS parameter is missing.
