File Storage in Xano


Hi All!

Im new here and I'm trying to figure out some features and solutions offered by xano.

We've build app with the help of FlutterFlow, our current backend is Firebase but this is not the best solution for our app. It's OK for start and test but to scale the app we need better solution.

We've looked in Supabase, but Xano look better to us. The only thing I can not find is what is the solution with storage here. 10GB storage space (i guess this is for app files like icons etc) but not for user files.

Our app is a combination of social networking and lifestyle. We have users (where they post a lot). For now only images but in future we are planning to do videos too.

What is the solutin for storing TB of the content posted by users with Xano?

I've tried to talk with support, they said I can always get extra 5-10GB… But that is not what I need. I need a lot.

Any explanation on this topic will be appreciated.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Xano has (new!) built-in support for Google Cloud Storage which would give you the kind of massive data access you are looking for pretty easily. And its external API request support lets you connect to any other extensible cloud vendor you see fit. That would let you have the kind of storage you're looking for.

    Stepping back for context: Xano itself provides you with a single virtual machine located somewhere in the world. Like the laptop in front of you, it has a hard drive with only so much space. Even if you got a bigger hard drive (which upgrades will let you do) its not going to have the kind of uncapped capabilities you are looking for - and its the expensive way to get it.

    In contrast, unlimited and inexpensiv storage is a first class consideration of GCS, Amazon S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, and others. Use those tools for that job, and use Xano for the record storage/retrieval, data routing and logic that it does best!

  • lucas
    lucas Member

    Hey, thanks for explanation. Right now we use Google Cloud Storage for our current content uploads so I should maybe stick with it then.

    Your reply answered my questions.