How can I change the timestamp format in an addon by using filters in a 'Get Records' Function?


How can I change the timestamp format in an addon by using filters in a 'Get Records' Function?

Below is a recording of my current setup that works in my 'Query All Records' function. However, in my 'Get Records' function, I'm encountering the following error: 'Please use a numerically indexed array.

Best Answers

  • frederic
    frederic Member
    Answer ✓

    You must delete the first for each because your variable "expeditions" has only one object that is not an array. You do not need to iterate on that.

    Then, you should use "var:expeditions.sessions_id" instead of "var:item.sessions_id" on the second "for each" expression.

  • frederic
    frederic Member
    Answer ✓

    In your second "for each" you probably should use "var:sessions_id" instead of "var:sessions_id.sessions"

    cause in your datamodel "sessions_id" doesn't seems to have any children named "sessions"

    If it didn't fix it, please provide the result from that get record query for further investigations :)
