Email Address Case Sensitivity Issue in Xano - Need Help Resolving


Hello, I'm a newcomer to Xano and I'm encountering an issue where Xano is treating and as distinct email addresses. How can I go about resolving this problem?


  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Hey there @Jayden72, currently there isn't an option to add additional validation requirements to enforce this with the pre-defined "Email" data type.

    You are however able to make your own "Text" column, and use the lower filter to enforce lowercase, and then add a unique index to prevent duplicate values. You can also use Regex to create additional validations such as making sure it follows a traditional email address structure.

    If you're looking to use your existing setup, you could create validation at the API level and just ensure your email inputs are also using the lower filter. (Assuming no one adds data directly into the database viewer, this would resolve the issue as well)