Multiple redirect URIs for Magic Links?


Hey all!

Working on getting sendgrid + magic links set up. I got it working a Reset Password flow, and then wanted to also allow regular magic login (like Slack). Problem is, there's only one env variable for magic_link_redirect_uri – so the generate-magic-link function is always generating the same URL, and can't dynamically tell if it should generate a URL to /login or /resetpassword

What's the best way to do this? Two env variables? Some kind of param of what page (reset or login) that generate-magic-link takes? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Not a blocker, obviously you can just log in with email/password 😊 but it'd be really nice!


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    you can change any of this in the function stack! Hacking the setup to do what you want is part of what makes xano great - you are not locked into the extension setup. You have access to all the workings inside.

    Also, give yourself permission to “do it wrong” first. You’ll learn a ton of you let yourself keep moving. You’ll wind up fixing a lot later but that’s true either way because of everything you’ve learned in the first part of the process!

  • elyse
    elyse Member

    Yes, I'm aware of all of that. I appreciate the enthusiasm but I don't need a pep talk. I am hoping to solicit some suggestions from folks who have already done this and get some pointers on best practices.