Version test and live - Bubble

tig1893 Member

After doing a lot of research, I’ve decided to use Xano for my backend database on my next project. I think it’s the best option for me with my current knowledge, based on all the tutorials and ease of use.

With that being said, can anyone tell me how Xano works from a version test and live perspective? Do I need to set up two databases in xano, one for testing and one for live, and have two sets of API calls via the API connector? I’ve watched a lot of tutorials, but I’ve never understood how people deal with version test and live data.

I’m sure it’s really simple, and I’m probably missing something easy, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Also, I don’t think I’m going to use the Xano plugin. I would like to integrate directly via the API connector.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    I think this docs are what you are looking for:

    You can specify you live/test data-source either in you api call header:
    X-Data-Source: test

    or in URL argument:


  • wojtek
    wojtek Member

    I will just add one more thing to that.

    To get closer to the „bubble experience” together with X-Data-Source you also can use X-Branch to select your API branch (v1, v2 etc).

    Bubble live/dev database = Xano select data base data source live/dev (get to the right data base connection).
    Bubble live/dev branch in editor = Xano select API branch > v1/v2 (get to the right test branch of the APIs).

  • tig1893
    tig1893 Member

    Awesome Tanks very much!! Great help. Im finding the learning curve to Xano quite tricky ATM. great to have support.