How to import a tab-separated text file into Xano?


Hi Xano Experts!

I am receiving some tab-separated text files from Amazon through a URL and I was wondering how I can import and parse the data into Xano? Would appreciate some guidance or resources :)


Best Answer

  • jakespirek
    jakespirek Member, Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @nocodejordan

    Thanks for posting here in the community! I'm sure there are other ways to go about this, but at a high level, once you import your file, you could loop through each line and use the split filter. For the separator, you can just copy/paste the tab from your file and paste that into the separator field.

    I did a quick test with copying/pasting tab separated text and it worked.

    You should be able to apply similar concepts as in this video for looping handling each of these arrays for each row, and creating key/value pairs.

    Hope that helps get you started. Interested to hear how others might approach this!
