Value is not properly formed.


Hello, I am having trouble testing one of my endpoints. The debugger is not displaying anything and I always get an error. I have provided images of the error and function stack. Do you know if there is a solution for this error?

"author": 1, 

"text": "This is a test", 

"background_file": null, 

"image_files": [    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null  ], 

"video_files": [    null,    null,    null  ], 

"audio_files": [    null,    null,    null  ]


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    input errors r usually means that the input provided to the function stack at the tip is not the correct type. What are your inputs and what types did you set up?


  • Josuke
    Josuke Member

    Thank you Ray! I checked how I set up the function stack and I found the mistake I made. I added an extra space for the input within a loop.