Webflow Twitter/X Login Functionality with XANO Twitter Oauth services


Hello developers,

I wondered if there is a way to enable (Twitter login) functionality in Webflow using XANO OAuth services. Can you please provide me with the appropriate (JavaScript code) that interacts with XANO's Twitter-provided endpoints? like you've given for Google services within Webflow(ref: YT Video), This will help me add a (Twitter login) feature to (Webflow) while using XANO services. I appreciate the team behind XANO and thank you in advance.

Best regards.


  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    This request would be perfect for the feature request board. An integration would be neat!

    In the meantime, Xano offers Twitter Auth through the function stack. This works at authenticating the user using your app's consumer key - have you checked it out?

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, @asharib. Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. It's hard for us to provide custom code for you because everyone's application will be a little different, but we're happy to try and help if you're running into any trouble.

  • asharib
    asharib Member

    Hey Cameron & Chris.

    Probably, you/Xano should to think about Advance Twitter related stuff too for webflow-based functionality.
