How to modify api input params to dynamically add columns and values ??


I am using metadata API, I need help with how to add columns in table dynamically along with the data.
I figured out the column adding, but stuck on how to add the value in the table for that newly added column.
Ex. {

"data": "test",

"int" : 123

} this is first object which has int as a new variable and need to add that in the table along with the value 123
I can use metadata API to add int and 123 on success.
But how can I add the int in the second object.
. {

"data": "avc",

"int" : 456



  • Lefteris -

    Hello @Rushi

    As I understand you have as an input a list of items with fields "data" and "int".

    I suggest adding a function "For Each Loop" and connecting as a list the input.

    And inside the loop add the "Add record" function and connect into the fields the and