Outseta Integration Outdated



I have spent the better part of my day trying to get the Outseta integration to work. But unfortunately, since it was posted 2 years ago, some of it is outdated.

For one, within Outseta, there's a call back URL that can now connect with Xano to add new user information. Would be great to add that to the tutorial for others if they're having trouble.

But more importantly, I've been trying to get the JWT Token Decryption to work and have found no solution. The key that I'm passing in is properly decoded in JWT.IO, but it's getting stuck at the pre-programmed function within the stack.

It appears like there are a few different types of web tokens. The current one, JWS, was pre-populated from the extension from the Marketplace. However, should it be using a JWT?

Currently the JWT's are only accessible from Lambda functions, which isn't accessible from my plan.

Is there another route that I'm not aware of?


Best Answer

  • TimSek
    TimSek Member
    Answer ✓

    Okay, found the solution.

    Within the decode_outseta custom function (found in LIBRARY » FUNCTIONS), I had to delete the current JWS decode within the function stack, and then manually re-add it. Some of the options have changed since the original Outseta marketplace extension was created, so I've included the new settings below.

    Note: you can leave JSON check claims blank. And make sure that the signature_algorithm matches what you need as well.
