Sync Xano Database with Firebase


Im currently doing a POC on various NoCode builders and Databases.

I really like Xano (not decided on FFlow or DBit yet, FFlow is edging it)

My questions are: (lets presume the cost is not relevant)

  1. Can I sync a Xano Table to Firestore, this way I get the Xano for my Items, Reference and Documents tables? (will be around 1 million records in total)
  2. Can I do this with a function in Xano? (If so is there any pointer out there)
  3. Do I have to use Firebase Functions to do this?
  4. Is there another way?

Thanks In advance


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes, you can synchronize between them. Yes, you can use the function stack to run the firestore API calls from Xano. And yes, you can run Xano metadata API calls from firebase functions to get data from Xano, so you have options. Both technologies are flexible and powerful.

    However, - in the general case - no, I wouldn't recommend putting effort into keeping multiple dbs in sync. Synchronizing large transactional databases is complex and time-consuming - expect that your time to consistency will grow over time and performance will be affected (because of the frequent rebuilding of indexes).

    So it's specific cases where I've seen the profit in some multi-database approaches. The use case I have seen work well is using one database for transactions and another for analysis - a data warehouse or lake. That tends to be 1-way, non-time-sensitive and also low integrity requirements.

    I've seen and applied performance techniques for making data from external dbs available for lookup use cases too. All depends on the details of the use case!


  • MarkH
    MarkH Member

    Hi Ray, thanks for the reply, would you recommend doing the Auth through Firebase and keeping the main chunk of data in Xano? (if using FFlow). I have actually seen a video by the DBit guys doing IOS Notifications direct via a bit of code, so maybe I hang in there and test this for ‘robustness’

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes - that's exactly what a number of our members have done at State Change. We have recorded office hours and deep dive sessions that go through the delegation of authentication and push notifications in Firebase, and managing business logic and data in Xano. Its a combo that seems to work pretty well.

    We have a number of advanced flutterflow fans in State Change, so we're discussing the FF+Xano axis a lot in our office hours and deep dives.