Geo Locations Displaying on Bubble Map


I've been migrating our backend from bubble to Xano the last few weeks but I have now reached a roadblock when it comes to displaying a list of venues store in Xano on a map in bubble.

I've tried every which way that I can think of.

It seems like the geolocation var is not compatible as even though it stores the lat and long the data structure is not accepted in bubble.

geo: {Geo_Location: {type: point,data: {lng: -1.7793532,lat: 53.8307674}}

The best you get is the the separated:
lng: -1.7793532
lat: 53.8307674

but there doesn't seem to be a way to get these into a list that the map can reference.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭

    What kind of list? Show a sample list you would like to get.

  • shaundavis

    It’s really simple:

    Address_1, Address_2, City, County, Postcode, GeoPoint. Nothing more to it really.

    The problem for bubble is how the GeoPoint is provided.

    ""type"": ""point"",
    ""data"": {
    ""lng"": -2.5414591,
    ""lat"": 53.5295142

    Bubble only picks up the following values:

    Type: Point
    lng: -2.5414591
    lat: 53.5295142

    For the most accurate results on the bubble map Xano would need to export this data as:

    "Geopoint": "53.5295142, -2.5414591"

    Cheers :)

  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭

    Ok, I think what you mean is that you need to convert this:

    {"type": "point", "data": {"lng": -2.5414591, "lat": 53.5295142}}

    into this:

    {"Geopoint": "53.5295142, -2.5414591"}

    If this is what you want, then the solution is this: