How to create new Xano and FlutterFlow users simultaneously?

manaigo Member
edited September 2023 in FlutterFlow

Hey, I'm new to Xano and excited about implementing it as a backend for my platform. I've seen some video and documentation on authentication between Firebase and Xano, but nothing that quite directly speaks to my use case. I'm hoping some helpful users can guide me in the right direction.

I have a FlutterFlow mobile app and Xano web app. However, users should only be able to sign up using the FlutterFlow app. When a user signs up in Flutterflow, I'd like those same credentials to be passed to Xano simultaneously. So when visiting the web app, they should be able to use the email and password from the mobile app to access the web app. WeWeb will be the frontend for Xano.

Thank you all in advance for your guidance!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Well one of the approaches I'm using with Xano/Flutter is to use firebase as sign-in/up point of truth using firebase API's in xano endpoints to create user records in both places if necessary.
    General idea is that you you want to to authenticate using firebase and based on that grant user Xano token to talk with xano endpoints

    It's a bit of a tricky process to build, great place to learn more about it is via @Ray Deck and his platform where there is a lot videos and materials about this exact topic.

    I would also be happy to help you personally, you can drop me a message on: