Generate chart data



I'm looking for assistance in refining my formula so that I can generate the necessary data for creating a chart.

Target state: The graph should ultimately roughly look like below:

Data required: I need 3 types of data points. I created a function on Xano solving 1 and 2 but I’m still stuck with 3

1) The number of years to reach an objective (done)

2) The value at the end (e.g. year 2017= 1 million) (done)

3) The value at the end of each year ❌ : I’m stuck here

To do this I tried to create an array to stock the data for each user’s graph basically. So I created an array, a counter and conditioned the formula with the value in the counter in a while loop. For some reason, this does not work.

Can somebody help me understand what I’m doing wrong? Thanks

Best Answer

  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Mr Unfreeze I hardly understand anything about your problem. You mention "value", "formula", "while loop", "counter", "data for each user graph"… but I don't see anything in the screenshots.


  • Mr Unfreeze

    Hi Arturo !

    Some screenshots did not copy properly but the error is now solved. I did not create my array properly and my instructions for this array were wrong… now all good :).

    Thank you