1.54.2 (Sep 19, 2023)

Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman Administrator


📊 New & Improved Compute Usage Graph

You now have the ability to view Lambda, Redis, and Tasks compute usage on your instance usage graph. We've also added the option to toggle on and off each item so it's easier for you to track the individual usage of each component.

🧑‍💻️ Lambda Functions get console.log();

You can now insert console.log(); statements into your Lambda functions, and the output of those statements will appear in the Debug Log section of the Run & Debug panel.

🏷 Tags!

We've introduced Tags as a better way for you to organize content in your workspace. Tags can be applied to:

  • Tables
  • API Endpoints
  • Custom Functions
  • Tasks

You can add your desired tags when creating content…

…or retroactively.

These tags are available universally across all different pieces of content. This means that you could have both a table and your authentication API endpoints tagged as user-data, for example. Tags work with Xano's universal search (Crtl / Command + K), so you can search for content by their associated tags.

You can even click on tags as they appear in your workspace to view all pieces of content cataloged with that tag.

🖊 Edit multiple functions and tasks at once

We've introduced some bulk editing to Tasks and Custom Functions. This enables you to multi-select different items and quickly apply tags or delete them. We'd love to introduce additional functionality to this feature, so please let us know how you'd like to see this utilized in the future! For now, we wanted to make it available at the very least to help you use the new tagging feature faster for existing content.

🤏 Condensed Function Stack View

We've seen some of your function stacks, and they can get long. Really long. To make it easier for you to view and edit longer function stacks, or for those of you who just really hate whitespace, we've built a new condensed function stack view that we think you'll love.

Go from this… 😰

…to this! 🤯

✅ Task History gets a boost!

When viewing the history of currently processing tasks, get detailed information on exactly what step the task is currently executing.

🐜 Misc. Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The test data source should now work with Direct Database Query as detailed in our documentation.
  • We've added WebP image support to our Image fields!
  • Fixed an issue where some columns could have filters erroneously applied, resulting in them not appearing correctly in the database view.

🙋 What else is going on at Xano?

  • Our Customer Success team has grown! If you see some new faces in the support chat or the community, be sure to say hello!
  • We've been firing on all cylinders bringing you awesome in-person Xano Community events! Our next appearances are as follows:
    • We're coming to Austin, TX on September 28th! More details here.
    • We'll be in Paris for the Nocode Summit! Xano will be on stage, as well as hosting our own community event. More details here.
    • Word on the street is that we'll be in the Windy City soon. Keep an eye out!

🤗 Want to submit a feature request? Click here.

🎶 View the full release notes here.


  • Stefan Pointecker

    Great improvements!

  • Adam Che

    Amazing improvements! I especially appreciate the redesigned function stack!

  • Victor Nihoul

    Love the new features but… the new task system just broke our entire logic… 😞 and we have no way to revert to the previous version…

    Tasks are now running regardless of other instances of the tasks are already running. But we based our entire logic on the old way…

    PS: It would be really good to have a setting to choose Xano's versions so we can deploy and revert versions without risking affecting our entire user base until a fix is found…

  • Glenn McWhinney

    Thanks for the WebP image support, Xano team! 🙌🏻

    It's a great feature for those of us who decide to use image / metadata in our tables for storing images to deliver on a website or in a web app.

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    edited September 2023

    @Victor Nihoul the processing task is something that crashed. Tasks sometimes crash due to memory issues. It will timeout after a few hours. In fact, you should be able to click on that processing task and you should see the new progress system saying nothing has been updated in quite a while, which would mean it has crashed.

    The task system has not changed. The same task will not run again if it is already running. It has been this way since the beginning.

  • MattLaro
    MattLaro Member ✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Yay, finally tags !!!! :)

    As I was trying to put tags on all my functions though, the selection of function bugged on my side

    Here's a screenshot :

    It only happens in one workspace though. My sandbox workspace works fine :

    Perhaps the selection feature is initimidated by my 250+ functions 😂. I will open a ticket so you can check out what's going on.

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    @Victor Nihoul turns out there actually was a task issue. We got several reports this morning and it seemed to be related to foreach loops in tasks specifically. We just deployed a hotfix.

    We have had other users say they want to have more control on the releases. We agree with that. We are working on improvements there. In the meantime we will add more regression tests to our background tasks.

  • mauromequelussi

    The search for roles has stopped working and Group Edit is also not functional

  • mauromequelussi

    Now with the latest fix, searching and adding tags in bulk is working, but it is allowing you to add tags in duplicate

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    @mauromequelussi we've fixed the issue with group edit. Please reload your browser and try again.

  • vnihoul77
    vnihoul77 Member

    By the way, does task live history only shows a few statements? I can only see the realtime execution of the first 10 statements. @Sean Montgomery

  • MattLaro
    MattLaro Member ✭✭
    edited October 2023

    After using tags, I have one small comment to make.

    I noticed that tags are part of the drafting process of a function. I'm wondering if this was necessary as tags would not include any code breaking elements and if you could not separate tags from function pending modifications.

    Furthermore, if you're working on something while you or someone else tags functions, some drafted work could accidentally be published to production, as tags will grow a bad habit of mass publishing for the sake of tagging.

    I don't know… I was expecting a more instantaneous and less impacting implementation of tags.