How do I reset the passwords


Hey Xanoers

I am using bubble and Xano together. Everything was great until I got the reset/forgot password.  I need a password reset for users who forget their password

I am cant believe that Xano doesn't have this pre-built into auth... I can't seem to find any videos online either?

Has anyone set up a Forgot Password flow? If so, could there please help point me in the correct direction 

I need the user to enter their email so we can send them an email with a reset link, then when they click the link and reset their password

I'd really appreciate any help. 

KInd regards


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    I think what you are looking for is magic link functionality.
    Here is a video about passwordless auth, but magic links can be used as well for a reset password functionality.

    Take a look at "magic link with sendgrid" extension to Xano. You can modify /auth/magic-login endpoint to change the password in exchange for magic_token instead of providing xano auth_token. This way you will have a reset password functionality.

    Let me know if you have any further questions

  • jakespirek
    jakespirek Member, Administrator



    The video that Pawel shared is a great resource. Another one on this topic that also includes a snippet is this one:

  • tig1893
    tig1893 Member
    edited September 2023

    Hi Thanks for the help much appreciated!

    Ill give it a go but i must admit i found it extremely confusing with the whole send grid thing? as i don"t use this and i have to set up an account?

    Hoping to find some bubble tutorials out their on how this works?

    Ill keep you posted how I go.

    Kindest Regards

  • jakespirek
    jakespirek Member, Administrator


    edited September 2023

    Hi @tig1893

    This snippet and the tutorials mentioned do use SendGrid but you could use other email providers.

    Below I've linked to another thread in the community where someone was setting this up with Bubble. There is actually a Bubble-specific tutorial video there as well for the Magic Link side of this.

    Can you take a look and let us know where you get stuck?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    If you are interested I'm giving consultation and helping people with their development of Xano projects, and I have experience with Bubble as well.

    So feel free to drop me a message on my email: I will be happy to help you.