

Table A is an index of items, with a unique integer as an ID…let's call it "item code." This is not the Xano ID field but a separate integer in that table.

Table B is a schedule of when these items were used. Each record has the item code, date, and location.

The user specifies a location on the front end.

I am trying to have an API that displays all the items in table A, plus the most recent time the item was used (whether or not it was) in that location.

I created an API endpoint for table A, and tried to add table B's information through an add-on. It would only let me find the link between the two tables using the Xano ID of table B, which doesn't work, because I need to use the item code to link the two tables.

Am I missing something easy here? Or is this only set up for tables that are linked using Xano IDs?

Best Answer

  • ddc9772
    ddc9772 Member
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    I figured it out. I'm not able to select that field when initially creating the add-on within a query output, but I am able to access the field if I use the addons tab.