Does the new "Lock" query output feature (for database transactions) affect addons too?

Felipe Letelier
Felipe Letelier Member
edited September 2023 in ❓Other questions

I noticed that we have new features being silently released every week, I'm loving it. I have a question about the "Lock" field in the output tab of data queries.

I know this feature is available for addons and that we can activate it directly from the addon editor, but locking the main query does affect nested addons even if their own "Lock" field is set to false/empty?


Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Felipe Letelier good call out. Addons do not obey the database lock of the parent query all records or get record function. Additionally, although Lock shows up in the Addon UI, it is currently not enabled for Addons. This might be something we look at adding support for.