Whatsapp API

techytech Member
edited September 2023 in ? Working with APIs

I am trying to set up the Meta/Whatsapp API webhook and am completely lost.

Apparently, The Messenger Platform tries to "verify the webhook by sending a GET (instead of Post) request to the callback URL with certain parameters. Then the callback URL responds with the value of the hub.challenge parameter. The URL should validate that the hub.verify_token matches with the token that was entered in the app dashboard".

So, in Meta I enter the Xano endpoint:

and in Xano I have a standard webhook structure:

However, in Request history I receive nothing, and in Meta I get the error: "The URL couldn't be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: HTTP Status Code = 404; HTTP Message = Not Found".

The strange thing is that if instead of a Xano endpoint, I enter a webhook.site url ( https://webhook.site/b0a67429-30e8-432f-9828-eca7a55818a0 ) I do receive a payload and the status in meta is now "The URL couldn't be validated. Response does not match challenge, expected value="1655664484", received=".

I haven't worked with this structure of webhooks before and would appreciate any input.

