Possibility of creating multiple table and their relationships through a single metadata API request


This is a question about the Xano metadata API and its capabilities.

Is it possible to create multiple Xano tables and their various schema's, including relationships between tables within a single create table POST request, or do we need to pass the requests for each table into seperate requests?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    You can create one table and its schema in a single request with the Metadata API.

    I THINK your question is can you combine Metadata API requests in a single Xano function stack - and the answer is yes because you're just using the external API request function multiple times to call the Metadata AP

  • espptyltd

    Thanks for the response @Michael Udinski .

    What I was actually after was whether the metadata API supports the creation of multiple tables within a single POST payload. I was hoping that I could construct a single POST payload that can create multiple tables, rather than having to create one per POST request.