Create a trip in minutes with Tripmix AI ? Get access to Beta!

Rajiv Chopra
Rajiv Chopra Member
edited October 2023 in ? Showcase

We're thrilled to announce Tripmix (Beta)  - a social trip-sharing app for travelers and creators powered by Xano + Bravo + Gen AI 🚀

Plan your next trip in minutes with the help of Tripmix AI (ChatGPT) assistant. Discover a world of inspiring trip recommendations crafted by fellow globetrotters. Remix and personalize these itineraries to suit your preferences or create entirely new ones from scratch - the world is your canvas! And if you are an aspiring creator, Tripmix is your marketplace. Soon, you can sell your meticulously designed trips at any price you choose!

Tripmix is not just another travel app. Our aim is to create a vibrant community for travelers and creators to create, share, and earn from their travel stories.

Tripmix is made with ❤️ and passion by Rajiv (Creator), Juan Carlos (Product Design & Bravo Expert), and Toby Oliver (Founder, Bravo Studio + Gen AI, Xano magic). Special thanks to Pawel Magdanski's Xano expertise, Xano support (Chris, Cameron, and Michael), and the Bravo team (Diego, and Marta).

The app is 100% no-code -  Bravo front end + Xano backend.

Ready to try it? Sign up and get access here. 

Please share feedback in the app or drop us a note at We're all ears!


  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Congrats on the Beta launch Rajiv! The app sounds like a great idea, looking forward to your success!

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Very cool! Congratulations!

  • Rajiv Chopra

    thanks @Lachlan

    we are just getting started and hope to prove that we can build highly scalable consumer apps with no-code low-code platforms. We have enjoyed so far liked the power Xano provides and its connection to both external API's and front end tools like Bravo Studio

  • Rajiv Chopra

    thanks appreciate all your help in the past several months!

  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    This is very neat! Congrats!

  • Rajiv Chopra

    thanks, Cameron! hope to promote this at the no-code conference in Paris next week

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Rajiv Chopra This is awesome! 🤩 Congrats, and thank you for sharing! 🎉

    Also, we are hosting a get-together for our users on October 11th in Paris.

    Here is the RSVP form:

    We hope to see you there!

  • Rajiv Chopra

    @Liz Anaya Hi Liz - Thanks and appreciate the invite. I am in San Franciscoo :) so a bit hard to make it to Paris this time. But Toby Oliver, CEO from Bravo Studio will be there and I think he is also speaking at the Event with Xano. Will likely share a bit about our app.

    Separately, it would be great to see us do a video or a session with you guys to promote the app and the Xano+Bravo no code success so far. LMK if you have any ideas about it.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Rajiv Chopra, we'd love to do a video or a session with you! Is the email associated with your community account a good email for us to reach out to discuss this further?

    If not, feel free to send me a private message or email me at with the appropriate email address for us to communicate.

  • Rajiv Chopra

    @Liz Anaya that's great Liz! Yes, my community account email is good.
    But I will also drop you a note privately from my email so we can continue the conversation there.