Subscription questions


Hi all,

I'm nearing the stage where I'll want to upgrade to a Launch plan with Xano. I just have a few questions about the specs:

  • What does the 3GB SSD storage cover? (i.e. what is stored in it, as file/image storage is separate?)
  • What constitutes a "task" in the price plans, e.g. "sub-minute task schedules?
  • What counts towards the file bandwidth limit? Does it refer to users uploading/downloading files from and onto their devices, or does it refer to users calling any and all information from the database (e.g., anytime a user sees another user's profile image, without downloading it)?

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator


    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    -Your SSD covers your database and indexes for all items outside of file/image storage. Even database items such as text have a file size, so this could mean 100,000's to millions of rows depending on how much data is in each.
    -A task is logic that you can process on a routine schedule. On the launch plan you are able to have these tasks process once every minute, or more. On the scale plan you are able to have tasks process as often as every 5 seconds (sub-minute).
    -You can find out further information on bandwidth limit usage in our docs here: Bandwith Usage


  • GavinReid
    GavinReid Member

    Hi @Lachlan just a couple more questions:

    1. What, if any, are the costs related to Google Maps, in-app chat, and push notifications? Are there any costs for implementing these tools or any costs for users using them?
    2. Can you give me some examples of 'tasks' from your answer above - I don't really understand what these might be.

    Thanks again!