Empty geo_point entries issue


Hello, I have a column of geo_point , and when adding new entries some were added not as null, but simply empty (eye icon unticked in the editor)

Now I'm having this issue that there is no way to query for these records.

When I query that row, the geo_point column is not shown in the response.

Then I'm trying to query all the records where geo_point column is null - no dice

where geo_point is empty text - no dice

where geo_point array lenght = 0 no dice

Is it possible to somehow query records where this column is empty?

Thank you!



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @tomas randomas - it looks like your field might not be nullable which is why you aren't getting results looking for the null fields…

    Can you look on the column header > change type > and make sure nullable it set to yes?

  • tomas randomas

    @Michael Udinski Thank you, just checked and yes it is nullable, some entries actually have null values. I am just having issues with those that were added not as null, but like this -

  • tomas randomas

    Tried exporting one row that has this homeCoordinated column empty using this exporting functionality-

    And strangely in the downloaded CSV file there is no column for homeCoordinates at all 🤔

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi @tomas randomas thanks for your patience on this.

    The geo filters are essentially a wrapper for standard JSON, which means that if no data is added to that cell, there is no JSON written at all. This is expected behavior and generally makes sense because there typically wouldn't be a reason to store the empty JSON and occupy space in the database if there is no actual point populated.

    To navigate around this, it would be recommended to write some sort of placeholder value, such as 0 lat / 0 lng.

  • tomas randomas

    Thank you @Chris Coleman I have tried reproducing this scenario where this geo_point gets an empty value, but I'm unable to do it anymore, it defaults back to null now. Not sure if there was some kind of a fix, or there's still some nasty bug somewhere in my logic.

    Either way, all good now!