Is it possible to set a default image?


If I have a 'file upload' field in my table, is it possible to set a default image for it?

For example, if a user hasn't uploaded an avatar or a logo.

I can manage it from the front end if necessary - I just thought this might be a more streamlined solution.



  • lesa
    lesa Member, Administrator



    Hi Ellie,

    Since our image inputs don't allow for a default value to be set, the best way you can achieve this in the backend is by uploading the default image inside the "files" section of your app then set that as the default when the user account gets created.

    This could be a nice feature that others may want so I would also recommend you submit a feature request for this.

  • NicelyPutEllie

    Thanks lesa - appreciate the update and I'll add it to the feature requests.