Joining Data Correctly?


I am trying to join data in Xano in order to get data from multiple tables. Currently this is what I am doing:

When I test the endpoint, I am unable to get anything in my '_userclubrole' table. It looks like this:

How can I fix this?


Best Answer

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I can see you are using two different features here, join and addons. If you just need the data that you original record have a relation to, then probably addons are the way to go. If you don't see results in the addon there might ba a couple od reason to it, most common are.

    the id field in the original relating to the record you want access via addon is empty. when setting up an addon you put incorrect input in the filed by which the record should be connected.

    Can you provide screen with the addon setup and the original record in the database?


  • NWold
    NWold Member

    I understand now. My addons were not being utilized correctly. I redid them, and the data I wanted was fetched. Thank you for the help!