Does anyone has already connected google calendar with xano?



can anyone help on how to set up google calendar with Xano in order to be able to add events from my backend to a user's calendar?
I am using draftbit as a front end, (mobile app) I just want to trigger a CTA that will then ask the user to save the event in its calendar. I went through the google documentation but I am having a hard time understanding the steps to follow to connect Xano with their API.
I am a non technical founder. Any idea? Or screenshot to follow the steps?


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Hi I have experience working with Google calendar. Can you specify a bit what do you have a issue with? Generally first thing you need to do if you want user to create a google event via api is to let him go through authentication process. First you need to enable Calendar API in your google account:

    You can find guide how to go thorugh auth process in this guide, you will also need to get client id and client secret for your google account:

    I will be happy to help if you will provide some more information, please share more details about what do you have a problem with.

    You can also drop me a message at

  • Davy
    Davy Member

    Thank you very much for your feedback @Pawel Magdanski .
    I am having an issue understanding what needs to be done after I activated the calendar API.
    The steps process to set it up with Xano is not clear to me.
    I haven't the google oauth set up either because it's a mobile app and I am not sure how to approach it as it works with deeplink and not redirect link and I don't know if I need them both to be able to add an event to the user's calendar.
    If you have it already set up, any chance you show me a screenshot of the different steps?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    so first you should try to set up this endpoint from the guide above so the users can login to their google accounts (replace parameters with relevant for you):

    As a result you should get an url to Google's OAuth 2.0 server, where user can sign in. Didn't try it so far with deeplink as redirect_url, but try it out and we will see how it goes