Issue with Google login/signup - Error: precondition failed

Louis Machado - CSA
Louis Machado - CSA Administrator


edited October 2023 in ? Connect Xano to ...

Hello everyone,

If you are getting a "preconditon failed" error when running one of the login/signup/continue endpoints in Xano. It could be that your browser is encoding the code in the URL.

As you follow all the steps presented in the video and documentation, first you run the /oauth/google/init endpoint, and after that, you get the code from the browser and use it in the login/signup/continue endpoints.

If your code starts with "4%2F...", your browser is encoding the beginning of the code in the URL. Where it is "4%2F", it should be "4/".

The solution to this is applying the url_decode filter in the value input of the code query parameter in the external API call to Google, like in the image below.

