Posting Non-Existing Data


How can I set up this such that I only create a new row if it doesn't already exist:



  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Hey there,

    You are able to us the "Add or Edit record" function instead. This allows you to set an identifier to lookup the record by, if the record is found it will edit it. If not it will create a new record.

    Alternatively if you don't want to edit a record, you are able to first do a get record function, you will search by a unique identifier, and then use a condition. If the get record step = null then add a new record, else do nothing.

  • Max
    Max Member
    edited October 2023

    i think most simple and effective way in this case would be run id check like so and use precondition

    that would work to check existence of a unique value in field with true\false statement.
    if u need to run existence check with more complex parameters - use query all records with whatever complex query you need - and then change its output type to "exists" - that works perfect for me in every complex scenario so far -